Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Can You Hear Me Now?

Here is the post for comments/questions on Turkle's "Can You Hear Me Now?"  Turkle's view on technology is very different from many of the articles we've read prior to this one.  While I know that many of you disagree with her and think that her article is a little overdramatic and extreme in its view, can you see any value to the questions she is presenting? I think the most important metaphor that she draws in her discussion of technology occurs with the question about the live turtle in the Darwin exhibit, does it matter that the turtle is real? Does it matter whether our relationships, conversations, and interactions with others take place face-to-face or electronically? Does it make any difference? Will it change the way we think, feel, or act as human beings?

And just for fun, a quote from "Mr. Roboto" by Styx:

The problem's plain to see
Too much technology
Machines to save our lives
Machines de-humanize

And the link to the incredibly awesome music video if you've got time to kill :)


  1. I thought Sherry did a great job expounding her thesis. We, as Humans, are so attached to our electronic devices to the point where we lose somewhat of a perspective in the real world.


    1. I completely agree. Technology does seem to take over our lives sometimes, but if it is used in moderation it can be a great tool.
      Jacob P.

    2. Absolutely, we do seem to get to attach to our electronic devices but it all comes down to having self-control over it so that it doesn't interfere with out lives.

      Katherine B.

  2. How accurate did you guys think Sherry's article was?


    1. I liked her article but I do think she was a little bit of on the harsh side. I think to a point she was on point. Then she went to far with it. Her question of does it matter if the turtles are real or not was a good one and made me think. I think it does matter that they are real, as the other patrons brought up, the real animals weren't real enough for them compared to the robots at the amusement park.

      Jacob G.

  3. I think that Sherry did a really good job explaining her argument, even though it is a little extreme. Most kids are not getting out nearly as much as they should.
    Jacob P.

  4. I think sherry was a tad extreme, but she definatley did an amazing job proving her point. I think it is sad that kids don't think the real turtles are real favorite thing to do is go to the zoo....I like to watch the tigers just laying around doin their wouldn't be a zoo if the animals were fake and animated....

  5. I think Sherry did a good job writing her article and that her main points hit very close to home because they are evident in everyday life as you see many people everywhere glued to their phones along with other electronic devices.

    J. Cooper

  6. I think Sherry's article was very strong. Her main points were easily understood. She provided a good argument.
    K Fullmer

  7. I think Sherry brought up a very good point. The article may have been a bit extreme but in reality there is some truth to it. People tend to be very caught up with cell phones and other electonic devices that putting them down can become more difficult.

    Morgan W

  8. I agree with Morgan; many people struggle with that. Sherry may have been extreme but her points are spot on and makes the reader really think about his/her habits with electronic devices.

    Maybe some say she is extreme because it's really true and no one wants to hear it?

  9. I agree with Morgan; many people struggle with that. Sherry may have been extreme but her points are spot on and makes the reader really think about his/her habits with electronic devices.

    Maybe some say she is extreme because it's really true and no one wants to hear it?

    Nataly S.

  10. Turkle was really up front about many of the issues we have today in society. She was a tad aggressive but any time people are told they are doing something wrong they are taken back. I think she was very effective in this article

    David B.
