Sunday, October 7, 2012

"Advertising's 15 Basic Appeals"

Here is the link to a PDF of Jib Fowles' article, "Advertising's 15 Basic Appeals." Although the advertisements he uses as examples are pretty old, the appeals are still applicable to todays ads. Can you think of current ads that fit the appeals that Fowles lists? Do you think there are any appeals that he missed or that should be included in the list?


  1. I think that the advertisements showing all of the animals that are starving or beaten applies to number 3 in the list very well. I personally feel terrible when the ad comes on so I instantly change the channel.
    Jacob P.

    1. My wife feels the same way. Every time that commercial comes on she has me change the channel because it make her fell to sad.

      David B

  2. Any beer commercial fits Fowles' list perfectly. They, in general, have an attractive man or woman, or both, show that the man is incredible in some sense, and also make us want to be a part of whatever group is in that commercial, whether it be a party or just some people "kickin' it."
    Joanna M.

    1. I totally agree with what you said here! The beer commercials today all fit his list. It seems like the beer commercials all have the same common theme and are the most effective because they use as many advertising appeals as they can.

      Morgan W

  3. There are lots ads that fit Flowles list. Car ads, cigarette ads, soap ads, etc.. most of the ads of today fit under the sex and humor categories.

    1. I agree most ads today, have some sort of sex appeal to them, Whether it is a beer commercial or a food commercial.
      -Taylor M

    2. that seems to be the strongest appeal in most ads, and in more TV shows to bring them to their show. It makes the show more interesting for the audience.

      Craig N

    3. Sex appeal is what seems to grab the audience interest the most, its not common for the advertisement industry to use it in most of their ads.

      Katherine B.

  4. Most ads today do use sex appeal to grasp the audience, but humor is one that i feel was left out. The "Allstate Mayhem Blind Spot" commercial does a GREAT job with using humor to make you pause rethink your insurance choice. I mean, i don't even have insurance and i paused.

  5. I noticed a lot of billboard advertisements use sex appeal for their advertisements when the image had nothing to do with the product. They all seem to always use an attractive young woman even when the image does not correspond with the product or the advertisement such as when you see an attractive young woman on a billboard advertising car insurance.

    J. Cooper

  6. The appeal is most powerful is a appeal to survival and to protect. I think if a ad can make a person feel in danger he or she will do almost anything to keep them safe.

    Craig N

  7. Sex appeal i think is probobly the most commonly used one. It seems to me that it's used in almost every commercial.

    Jason O.

  8. I think the most appeal I see used is the need to dominate. The gatorade commercials are the strongest ones. Especially the new Nike commercial.

    Nataly S.

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