Sunday, October 7, 2012

"Selling Happiness: Two Pitches from Mad Men"

The following links will take you to YouTube clips of the popular AMC series, Mad Men. The first clip   is from the very first episode of the series, and shows Don Draper making a pitch for Lucky Strike Cigarettes: "Mad Men: It's Toasted." The second shows a pitch for the Kodak Carousel: "Mad Men: Carousel." As you watch the clips, consider how the use of a single word, or the choice of one word over another, can increase the persuasive appeal of an advertisement.


  1. Very interesting clips. I'm tempted to start watching the show from the beginning now, lol. I tried to come up with wording that could be used instead of the ones in the clips. The best I could come up with was "It's homegrown" and nothing different from Carousel. Can anyone think of any other possibilities too?

    1. I agree. I could only really think of "It's grown, not proccessed" or something along those lines. "It's toasted" just makes me picture toasted lungs.

      Jason O.

    2. I also agree. When he "its toasted" on the board the first thing that popped into my hear were completely black lungs. I liked the carousal one though.

    3. haha black lungs. I actually pictured toasted bread when he says "its toasted"

  2. I didn't find "It's toasted" extremely appealing.. more than poisonous of course but it wouldn't quite do it for me. Although, it might be hard to think of a super appealing word for cigarettes. I personally cannot think of a word that can increase the persuasive appeal.
    Joanna M.

  3. I really liked the one with the Carousel, the character made it personal and it was really effective.

    Sydney C.

    1. I agree, making it personal or bringing strong emotion into it is really effective.
      -Ashley E.

    2. i also like the Carousel clip it gave me the chills when he talks about it.

  4. Who would put themself out there like that just to sell a product?

    Sydney C.

    1. Not many people, i don't think. he really did put his personal life out there which i found interesting.

    2. Now a days people in the advertisement industry will come up with just about anything just to get people to buy their products.

      Katherine B.

  5. i really connected with what what said about happiness in the "lucky strike ad." advertisement is all about making the recipient feel good... at least, i want to feel good from advertisement.

    1. I agree. All people want is to be happy. If there is an advertisement that makes you feel that happiness that you are missing in your life, you will definitely go for it.
      K Fullmer

  6. It was quite intriguing how his wording can pull you in. Instantly he changed the meaning as something different when it really wasn't.

  7. What do you think impressed the idea that what he was advertising was something valid?

    1. Because it isn't validity as much as, what is in the mind of the person that is seeing the ad


  8. It was really cool how he made the product feel at home and personal. It changed the meaning a lot for me. Very tricky!

    K Fullmer

  9. How do you think people come up with all the crazy adveritsements we see on tv? Some things out there blow my mind!
    K Fullmer

    1. I agree!It is crazy to think about how effective the things they actually come up with really do change the way people look at the products!

      Morgan W

  10. Good wording or not, people who would forget that cigarettes are hazardous to their health just because they're "toasted" probably deserve to get lung cancer for being that dumb to buy and smoke them.

    J. Cooper

    1. That's how it works, we are so easily convinced. Just a change in the words that sounds less harmful would pull us in. Humanity is in need of self-control despite how intriguing it might sound.

      Nelson M.

    2. I agree with J. Copper its ridiculous to believe its healthier just because their "toasted" that stuffs deadly no matter how "toasted" it might be. Unbelievable how easily convinced people are.

      Katherine B.

  11. their is another great one the is mad men lipstick Pitch. its similar. but he talks that it a way for a girl to mark her man. I thought it was interesting check it out.

    Craig N

  12. The harms of smoking is still bad no matter what the companies try to tell people that is different about theirs. It's crazy to think that by changing one word it will convince people to buy their brand because it may seem less of a hazard to their health.

    Morgan W

    1. Smoking has always been harmful and people know it. Unfortunately, people are easily pulled into the media. Movies even advertise, in a form, that smoking is normal.

      Nelson M.

  13. did anyone else fined these two videos a bit cheesy? I found that this guy is all about happiness and posses. what about you?

    David B
