Wednesday, September 19, 2012

What's the Matter With Kids Today?

Here's the link:
What's the Matter With Kids Today? by Amy Goldwasser

In our class discussion of this article, we seemed to agree on the idea that, if kids use common sense and self-control, technology can be a powerful learning tool and an outlet for creative expression. Here's my question: can we really rely on teens, or even their parents, to apply self-control and establish limits in their use of technology?


  1. I think to some self control comes easily but to others it must me monitored closely. Common sense is a little harder. With much younger kids they may not know the rights and wrongs of what their looking at

    Jeremy B.

    1. That's true, but if he parents have common sense hopefully they would pass that knowledge on to their can come easily if the person os willing to learn.

    2. Self-control is a difficult trait to comes easier to some people, but I know I have a hard time. This ranges from eating things that I shouldn't (actions) to thoughts and opinions I know aren't moral right to have (mentality).
      Joanna M.

  2. As kids grow up we have to teach them how to properly use the Internet. Leading by example, we have to show them that there are proper times and places to manage your social media.

    Jeremy B

  3. It all depends on the parent's morals and sense of what is appropriate on how much time their kids spend on social media in balance with how much time their kids spend learning.

    J. Cooper

  4. As a teen, i feel that i have great self control. Selective, but none the less great when i apply it. I feel as though relying on teens to show self control, in the sense of technology, would be the same risk as relying on an adult. We all know that some adults still seem to act as adolescents sometimes which is why i find it hard to all together put teens and "adults" in different categories. Every individual has the self control to minimize their use of technology, whether they chose to do so, is up to that individual.

    1. I think the self control of people is going down with each new big thing of technology. I read a story about this guy that became so involved in this online game that he married someone who was also in it and the marriage was actually valid in real life. Everybody has their own vision on what self control is. Someone could spend 4 hours a day on something and go to bed at 11pm instead of 1am and call it self control because they chose to get off earlier then usual.

  5. I think teens can have great self-control if they are raised that way. Granted some who are not, still have great self-control. There are even some adults with children that have way more control than their parents. I think the amount of Internet use is totally up to the person using it, if they can control themselves who knows....

    1. I completely agree with you. Self control is just based on the self and the self alone. It all depends on the person and how they were raised. There shouldn't be excuses for how people behave and control themselves and their tendencies for over using their technology.
      Nataly S.

  6. It is clear to me that technology is a great tool. Those who know the loops, have easy access to their social way of communicating. Find things easier for research. Get up-to-date by the media of the world and so forth. There are many advantages in using technology.

    Nelson M

  7. What benefits and disadvantages could teens have by engulfing themselves in technological aspect of life?

    Nelson M

    1. Benefits: They would be a super smart, rich adult who is creating new technologies and advancing the ones that we have today.
      Disadvantages: They would be severely socially awkward and not be able to be a big business man with the technology they know how to work so well, because they dont know how to talk to people and pitch their ideas.
      Kerri F

    2. Being a teenager myself, maybe I am just ignorant in my beliefs that engulfing myself in technology is a good thing? I do think that getting online and looking at MSN (although it may be biased) is a good habit! I learn so much in a day just by jumping online. I think that older generations need to adapt to the newer forms of entertainment that found in technology. Teens are not becoming social pariahs from jumping on the internet! I've just found Skype and I think it's a wonderful form of connecting with loved ones who aren't within a days driving distance.
      Alyssa H

    3. I think if terns cant learn to control themselves, then they may lose the ability to talk face to face. Unless they do the skype thing. Even though tech can keep us connected, I also believe that it can draw us all father apart too.

  8. I do not think that teens have any self controll at all! That is why we are labled "teens". Because we are immature kids who are trying to find out who we are...awkward. So many teens get caught up in todays technology and dont even realize how obsessed they are.
    Kerri F

    1. I half way agree with you. I do think "teens" have some self control, or at least we did when I was a "teen." But I do think that some do get way to caught up in technology and the like and do lose themselves in it, and even adults do that too, I know that from first hand experience. That is why we need a outsider giving us all a little help sometimes and helping us to see that we are obsessed with it, aka friends and parents.

      Jacob G.

    2. I think "teens" does not label someone to who has no self control. They have as much self control as their parents allow them to discover for themselves. I have met some teens that have more independence, maturity, and self control then a lot of adults these days. Its all about how you grow up and how your taught.

  9. I think that while some teenagers spend ridiculous amounts of time on the internet, and others use it wisely. Some teens do go overboard, yet most of them use it as a source of knowledge and don't just waste there time on social networking sites.
    Jacob P.

  10. Technology I think we all agree isn't going to disappear. What do we do to stop people from going to far?

    Craig N

    1. I think that parents need to set restrictions on the amount of time their children can watch television or use the internet. Once they become older it is up to them how often they use technology. Parents need to set examples for their children so they will carry on good habits.

      Jacob P.

    2. Self control I think is the main answer. If we could all learn to restrain ourselves to a time limit, I don't think that technology would be a problem.

    3. Parents need to put their foot down and say no. Children are now being born inside this technological era, they'll see things that people have and want it. It may seem fun, but will destroy a child's future. Cell phones, have become a hazardous part of of society, no doubt beneficial in areas, but mostly an over-used product and destructive.

      Nelson M.

    4. Goldwesser didn't have a very good argument. Every reference she used went against her argument. What would you replay to her if you had the chance?

      David B

  11. What articles are you guys using for your essay?
    Jacob P.

  12. I used the one about fiction and your brain and one about tv

  13. I used the ABC's of e-reading and another one about technology and reading.
    -Taylor M.

  14. I think if the parents practice self-control, then their teenagers can do the same. I know my parents rely on their cell phones for the jobs. But when we all come home and sit down as a family for dinner, cell phones are not allowed at the table. Whenever we are anywhere as a family then we don't text other people. From my parents expecting that from their kids, then we learned to have self-control. Therefore, it can be a big responsiblity on the paretns to teach their kids as well as the kids making that a priorty to use self- control.

    Morgan W

    1. Absolutely, parents need to teach their kids that cell-phones is not a necessity in life. We find too many adolescent kids walking with their phones irresponsibly. In no way can they learn control when they get what they want when they want. No patience is learned and it is hard to teach them discipline when they are disconnected from reality and linked to their social network.

      Nelson M.

    2. Definitely, parents need to take charge and have self-control themselves before they can teach their kids to have self-control over devices like the cell phone.

      Katherine B.

  15. Do you think that kids today have an addiction to the internet and electronic devices?

    David B
