Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Power of Young Adult Fiction

Here is the link to the next article:
The Power of Young Adult Fiction
Remember to click on each of the articles and read all seven commentaries.

What is your experience with young adult fiction? Which of the articles do you agree with? Which ones do you disagree with?

In other news, here are links to the Google Docs versions of the handouts we looked at in class on writing summaries, evaluations, and comparisons for your reading responses.  The formatting is a little different, but the information is still there.

Evaluation/Comparison Handout
Summary Handout


  1. I enjoyed read the comments made by matt de la peña. Though he grew up in life where he'd be looked upon for showing emotions, he found reading a way to let it go.
    In any sense, we as readers try to look for ideas, thoughts, or moments where we can relate to or at least capture what the author is trying to convey.

  2. What were some of your thoughts concerning any of the seven comments made?

    Nelson M.

    1. I thought Joel Stein's comments were interesting. Its funny to see someone give their opinion on something then have others tell him that his opinion is wrong.

      Jeremy B.

    2. Joel stein was pretty bold with his opinion which was new and fresh. I enjoyed it but didn't completely agree with it. Adults shouldn't be forced to read boring literature just because of their age. Young adults have invented a daring way of writing that everyone should have the opportunity to experience.

    3. I really thought that this is a bold article s we get a lot of different perspectives. I think the Stein was trying to play on the opposite side.

      Craig N

    4. I really disliked Stein's comments, he is overly condescending and should be more open to other opinion. Or at least not blatantly state that other people's opinions are wrong.
      Joanna M.

    5. I really didn't like the fact that Stein said adults should read adult books. When you read simple books it helps broaden your imagination.

      David B

  3. It seems like most people are for young adult fiction. I think that anything that gets kids reading is a positive thing. It opens up a pathway to more advanced books and is just a good influence for kids. It gives them something to talk about with their friends and also gets their brain working.

    Jeremy B.

    1. I would have to agree with you Jeremy anything that will get kids to want to read is a big plus. To me, the most important purpose of reading is being able to learn and get something out off it, being able to relate in some way. It makes kids want to farther embrace reading.

      Katherine Blas

    2. Everybody has to start somewhere no matter what age and no matter what subject they are starting with. If adults are starting with young adult fiction the i say go for it! Even if they have started somewhere else and just decided that they like young adult fiction the best for what ever personal reason they have, as long as they are reading it doesn't matter what it is.

  4. I really related to Matt de la Pena & his article because it's true, teens do look for books that relate to their life...well at least i do. i feel like it helps make a situation less painful or more meaningful in some cases, knowing that others are going through the same thing.

    1. I agree with you, i also tend to look for books that i can relate to. It helps me to feel like im not the only one out there going through that situation and it gives me ideas on how i can deal/cope with a ceratin situation.
      Taylor M.

  5. Stein's point of view may seem a little extreme, but I think he has some valid points. I think people should feel free to read what they want, but personally once you become older you should be reading books with more literary merit.
    Jake P.

  6. I thought Joel's article was actually kinda funny. I was thinking that maybe he only wrote against the flow because he thought it would be a challenge. That's my opinion anyways.

  7. Although Stein's article may disagree with adults reading young adult literature, and he may have just wrote against everyone elses opintion; i still have to disagree with him. I think that adults should be able to read whatever they are interested in. No matter the level or maturity of reading, at least they are reading.
    Taylor M.

  8. I think that it's great that there are still significant amounts of people that still read for fun on a regular basis and not just because they have to for school or their job. In that case I don't really think it matters what you read as long as it is at your level of reading comprehension or maybe even improves it.

    J. Cooper

  9. I think that reading is reading. Authors today have came up with some complex story lines that make reading exciting and no matter who reads it, it is still an good book to read. Everyone can gain something different with a book they read no matter what level of maturity the book may be.

    Morgan W

  10. I feel like Young Adult authors create plots that make readers think about the out of norm situations. They write to explore outside of the box and to bring the reader into other situations that they wouldn't normally face in his/her life. They don't write what everyone wants to read; they write what they want the readers to experience.

    Nataly S.

  11. What books do you guys like? The informative cliche ones that are the same or books that make you really read and feel emotion and makes you experience a story plot that can never happen in real life unless you're the adventurous type?

    Nataly S.
