Thursday, September 13, 2012

Audiobooks, anyone?

I had to post this ad because I found it really interesting--I've mentioned in class that I'm resistant to e-readers, and yet, while I was working on my master's degree, I did quite a bit of my "reading" via audio files on my iPod. The problem was trying to go back and forth between the printed text and the audio.  Here's the solution to that problem! I may have to buy a Kindle now! (Ha :)) What do you think? Could you convert to audiobooks?


  1. I like audiobooks for the ease of listening to them when ever and wherever but I have a hard time getting much out of them. I get distracted to easily and stop paying attention to them. So if it's a book that I have read already and I enjoyed it then I don't mind listening to it because I know what is going on but if it is a new book then no because I get lost.

    Jacob G.

  2. Honestly I think audiobook are great, but personally i dont like them all that much, i much rather prefer an E-reader. To me its easier to remember and pay attention to a book if i read it rather than just listening to it.
    Taylor M.

  3. I could never convert to audio books. When someone else reads me a book I can not picture the story like I would if I were reading it books were just never meant for me.

  4. Audio books would not be to good for me. I have a problem with interpretation and picturing whats going on in the story if i'm not actually reading it myself.

  5. Audio books would be great if you were just reading for fun, but in most cases I tend to be reading text that needs to analyzed. In order for me to analyze a text I need a hard copy that I can underline and make notes on.
    Jacob P.

  6. I think audio books make reading easier for those who struggle to read. People who read often and consistantly without audio books, I would imagine, would have a tougher time reading with audio books. For me, audio books make reading easier as long as I am reading along with it with a book in my hand, without a book it's not possible.

    Jason O.

    1. I agree audio books may be a suitable tool for those whom may struggle to read. As for those who may read daily might have a problem adjusting to audio when their so use to the actually book.

      Katherine B.

  7. I was listening to an audio book in the car this weekend and decided that there not for me. I got a completely different image of what I had previously read earlier that week.
    Jacob P.

  8. I think the idea of audiobooks is cool because you can in a sense multi-task by listening to a book while you drive.

    J. Cooper

  9. Audiobooks are a great way to multi-task. I could switch to one but I think I would still rather have the actual book. Just listening to things on audiobook is difficult for me because my mind starts to wander and I end up not actually listening to anything I just heard.

    Morgan W

    1. I think audiobooks are a great addition academically. Each person learns differently, and in order for me to learn I have to really concentrate on what I'm reading and, at most times, I have to read out loud in order to be able to focus. Textbook audiobooks would benefit me incredibly because I would be able to read and listen to the audiobook simultaeously, but unfotuntely they aren't available (at least for the class I'm taking or Weber in general).
      Joanna M.

  10. I can't concentrate with an audiobook. Either the voice is distracting and I can't really listen to wait they're saying because of their enunciation and I have to rewind or I'm not good at multitasking at the time.

    Nataly S.

    1. I definitely agree an audiobook is way to distracting for me, I prefer the actual book instead.

      Katherine B.

  11. Do you think that audiobooks would be well heard if you where exercising like in this advertisement?

    David B
