Wednesday, September 12, 2012

"The ABCs of E-Reading"

So, what did you think about "The ABCs of E-Reading"? If you are not an avid reader of e-books, did this convince you to run out and buy a Kindle? If you already own some kind of electronic reader, did this justify your purchase and make you feel superior to those of us who are digging in our heels, resisting technology, and clinging to our beat-up paperbacks?


  1. It was smart to put an article like this in the Wall Street Journal because this way an older audience has the opportunity to be further informed about e-books. Our generation is automatically attracted to anything with a screen so it would be overkill to put articles like this on/it sources we use regularly.
    -Joanna M.

  2. In day like this generation, it was a good move to add some technological benefits to satisfy those who prefer screen over paper. While those who hold on to their paperbacks still can enjoy them for what they are. We find advantages and disadvantages. So it really just depends on the person.

    Nelson M

  3. What did you guys think of books vs E-reader?

    Nelson M

    1. The convenience of a kindle, or what have you, is nice but i'm old so I like to have a book in my hand haha.

      Jeremy B.

    2. I'm right there with ya. I love my Kindle and taking it to work with me just for the lightweight and easiness to carry. But I do love the feel the of having a good old fashioned book in my hands, the feel of it and the smell of the pages.

      Jacob G.

    3. I love the convenience of having an e-reader, its just so easy to carry everywhere and its always there if i ever want to read, or if i have free time.
      Taylor M

    4. I love and respect the idea of an e-reader... but I don't have one. As much as I would love to have such a portable device, I'm not sure its a good investment because I am, and I'm sure so many others, incredibly busy and rarely have time to read a book for fun these days.
      Joanna M.

  4. I would be interested to see some newer statistics on the average reading speed of e-readers. The information in the article is a little old and most of the new readers have much crisper and better displays.

    Jeremy B.

  5. E-readers are just another invention part of the growth of technology. People can choose to use them for the better convenience but obviously many people prefer traditional books. This is not a problem. Traditional books will never entirly go away, they will always be around.

    Jason O.

  6. I think maybe someone will invent an E-reader that is in the form of and has qualities of an actual book, that way people can have the best of both worlds.

    J. Cooper

  7. I don't think E-readers could ever replace paper books. Its important we have books. Although E-readers do make it much easier to read books instantly, so they are definitely a great addition to the literary world.

    Katherine B.

    1. Most definitely agreed. The feel of the book is what brings drama to reading in my opinion.

    2. I agree. There is something about the weight and feel of a book that is just comfortable. But, I do think that E-readers are going to sky rocket. They are the future and soon our hard copies will just be a thing of the past.
      Kerri F.

  8. I think ebooks and E-readers are very helpful. I have a kindle and it is very nice to have thousands of book choices at my fingertips when ever I want them. I still prefer a regular old book in my hands. Joying people ever make electronic will be the same a having a book in my hands...

  9. I am definitely more for regular books instead of E-Readers. Though they are super convenient, i just now that i would be much more distracted knowing that i have the ability to get on the internet using my reading device .

    1. I agree with the distractions in E-readers. Sometimes when I'm reading I take breaks and then come back to reading. I think it would be hard to focus knowing there were Angry Birds in my book.. I am biased though, because I love paperbacks. I really think that it's nice having a solid copy of a book that actually makes a nice thud when you drop it on a table top instead of an E-reader which would probably receive some damage.
      Alyssa H

  10. I think that E-readers are great and is a good way to get people to read. However, I like that have the actual copy of the book in my hand when I read and feel that the E-readers take away from that excitment of knowing how many pages are left and being able to skip to last page before reading the book.

    Morgan W

  11. I just got an iPad and I downloaded an e-book on it and I absolutely hate it. I have to have the copy in my hands. It's not the same.

    Nataly S.

  12. If people knew about all the free books they can get on e-readers do you think it might change there minds about the e-readers?

    David B

  13. I personally like the book. I can fall asleep with it and not worry about dropping. Also I can see how far I have come. Both are good. I would like to continue to have both of them.

    David B
