Wednesday, November 7, 2012

"Drug Representatives"

Looking over Isaacson's essay, what do you think he did well? What could he have improved?


  1. I found Isaacson's essay very informative and he did a good job of seeing both sides of the argument, but he never chose a side. Which leads to his lack of a solid thesis statement.

    Joanna M.

  2. I found that he did a good job getting the facts and putting them in very informative way. He could have picked a side earlier and argued that point sooner then the very end.

    Jacob G.

    1. I think that he wanted to not pick a side. I think that he wanted to make it as unbiased as possible.

      Craig N

    2. I agree Isaacson's must of wanted to keep his essay unbiased and focus more on pointing out both the good and bad sides of the argument.

      Katherine B.

  3. I agree that he lacked a strong thesis.

    Craig N

    1. He was really informative and did a good job of seeing both sides. He didn't have a stong thesis though.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Did anyone else think the star wars guy went a little over the top with his arguement? I also thought it was extremely jumbled. It lost me.

    1. I felt he was a little over the top as well. Haha but good that he was passionate about something.

      Morgan W

  6. He seemed to have done a good job informing the reader on the issue and told both sides of the story well but I think he lacked a bit on his thesis statement.

    J. Cooper

  7. I feel he did well providing information about both sides of the argument. But he never picked a side as he should have at the very begining before he went onto the rest of his essay.

    Morgan W

    1. I agree but when I was reading it, I didn't clearly see an argument until the very end. I felt more informative rather than picking a side.

      Nataly S.

  8. Like his essay, very informative. He doesn't have a strong thesis and doesn't choose a side of the argument either.

    Jason O.

  9. I like how he gave the perspective of both sides of the argument, but it seemed that he didn't necessarily choose a side. Very informative and clear, but I had a hard time pinpointing the thesis.
    Joanna M.

  10. I like how Isaacson gives a really good and informative description of what representatives do. He really did his research and it shows in his essay.

    Nataly S

  11. This article made me think about the Jake Gyllenhaal and Anne Hathaway movie "Love and other Drugs" It's the same concept in the story line.
    Anyone watched that movie?

    Nataly S.

  12. He gave a lot of facts but didn't really push to pursued us one way or the other. good reporting though

    David B
